Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A New Way to Achieve Your Goals

Welcome to Inspire, Motivate, Create, Achieve.  It took roughly 5 mins from the beginning of a conversation with my dear friend Mel for this idea to mutate from discussing fabric rosetters to embarking on a journey of a different kind this year.  Mel mentioned an idea she had heard about by Becky Higgins (

So what's it about?  It's about having focus on making your life more about what YOU want it to look like each and every day.  It's about focusing on your goals everyday; about keeping an eye out for the action you take each and every day towards achieving what you want in life.
We have a blog for the challenge; here is the link .  What I chose for myself is to record daily the action I have taken towards my goals this year.  It may be in the form of a photo, it may be in the form of something else.  It's all about recognising what I do on a daily basis to work towards my goals.

A lot of the time we focus on what we didn't do or we get to the end of the year and say 'Well I didn't balance work with home life very well this year'.  It may well be that where possible you did.  Your mind plays tricks on you sometimes and only points out the negative things that you do.  So by keeping an eye out for what I do each day towards my goals it helps me think about my goals and it keeps me focused on the positives.

There are other positive affects as well:
It may help to identify and eliminate things that work against us achieving our goals on a daily basis.
It may help us to see lots of things from a different perspective not just our action towards our goals.
It will help us keep on track with our goals as there will be some thought each day about what our goals are and what we are doing towards them.
Ultimately, this will help us to achieve our goals and maybe even help us to achieve them earlier than expected.

1 comment:

brave and beyond said...

Hi Jill.
Love what you are doing, it is definitely inspiring...
I am going to get busy and create my own vision board!!
See you at school in 2 days..