Thursday, March 31, 2011


Went to bed early, was lying in bed reading & remembered I hadn't done my snapshot of the day. I also wanted to share that I learned something today. What a glorious day!

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Out of My Comfort Zone

I made little promise to myself that I was going to step outside the square a bit more when it comes to cooking this year. So today I attempted to make something I haven't tried to make in 20 years-choux pastry. I did it! I made White Chocolate Eclairs ( with the help of my son who plied the top with chocolate!). They actually turned out pretty awesome, I must say. Next I might try Custard Puffs or Savoury Puffs... Or something completely different!

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Night Time Feeding

Sometimes in the evening I don't feel like eating. Big lunch, tired, too many snacks, too hot. Yet because night time is the only meal we all always eat together, I feel like I 'have to' eat. Well Tuesday night is basketball for Shane & as I went out to lunch today I decided I was going to have a light meal of fruit & yoghurt for dinner & mentally I feel much better for it.

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Monday, March 28, 2011

My Favourite Sound

One of my favourite sounds is rain. Tonight it was soothing to sit in my room & listen to the sounds of the rain & to breathe in it's freshness.

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Like Finishing A Book

Tonight I finished the pages I need to create for my friend's circle journals. It's a bit like reading a good book. I love reading a good book, I try to savor it so it lasts me a while & then it's the end before you know it & then I'm a little sad because it's finished. Same with circle journals; I love preparing them, planning the pages, getting the photos ready, & bit by bit I create them then all of a sudden they're done. I'm a little bit sad because they are finished for this round. Soon I will start to look forward to the next round & start to think about my next title. What will it be?

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Tiring Yet Rewarding

Well food & water is delivered ready for the bus to Grantham in the morning. I put a little of my heart in each piece I baked in the hope it will somehow find it's way into the hearts of the volunteers and then onto the people in Grantham's hearts to try to mend theirs.

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Friday, March 25, 2011

Back On The Horse

Well it certainly was refreshing to be out there meeting people in the name of business today. Thanks to Chris Lucas who organized lunch at Saks for Gold Coast Business Networking. It was inexpensive-all I paid for was lunch & drinks, I met some great people there & the view & venue was amazing. Thanx Chris. Bring on the next one!

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

So Frustrating!

When my family can't find something they call on me. So I look until I find. If I don't find, it does my head in. Especially when it's an $80 game. I need to learn it's not my issue! What's lost is lost. Very challenging for me!

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mornings are better

I usually exercise in the mornings whilst my family lay sleeping. As father & son now have coaching on Wednesday afternoon I have been going to gym then. I have decided my drive & ability to push myself is far less in the afternoons so it's back to mornings for me.

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Short Lived

Well my cleaning lady resigned today. Yep, I know. Perhaps we overworked her. Lucky I enjoyed everything she did. We r going to stick to that routine though & who knows what might happen. Whatever is meant to be will be.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Feeling Proud

To hear one's offspring play in a band & get raving accolades is such a heart warming experience.

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Kissin' Cousins

Where I grew up was in the bush, a long way from my Mum & my Dad's families. As children, there were very few of our Aunts, Uncles & cousins that we knew well or spent much time with. I thought it was because we lived in the country. Today, I met some of Shane's extended family for the first time. Shane & I have been together for approx. 20 years. I guess it doesn't only happen because you live in the country!

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Being Myself

I love the feeling of being somewhere & then walking away thinking how wonderful it was to simply be myself. It's so much easier when you aren't afraid of what might happen if you say something inappropriate or that you weren't supposed to let something out of the bag, or that something you say might offend. It's great to just be! Maybe I'm more fun to be around as well!

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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Great suggestion

I think my friend Carmel has come up with a solution for me although I have modified it a bit. I think as I did last year, I'm going to loosen up with rules already for this blog. So far the rule has been to post a photo of me everyday. When I see something different I want to share from now on I'm just going to do it. After all life was meant for living, not looking at myself everyday!

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Times Like This...

Yep, see it's time like tonight when I wish I had chosen to post photos of things other than me on my blog. We have grown our first dragonfruits this year. Tonight we had a ceremonial cutting & eating session of our first home grown dragonfruit. Low & behold it's a red one (red on the inside as well). Would have made a great pic to share here. It was surprisingly yummy!

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I'm mother of the year! This time in a positive way (not in a falling asleep on the couch forgetting to pick the son up kind of way). I love it when I trust my intuition. It's usually right. Learning to trust it again is a wonderful thing I feel.

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Monday, March 14, 2011


I spend a lot of time waiting. Waiting for band to finish, waiting for dinner to cook, waiting for my clients, waiting for the computer to load, etc. There's nothing like having a good book to read or some good music to listen to while your waiting.

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

No News Is Not Always Good News!

Today I ran into a friend who I haven't seen for some time. She told me some news that came out of nowhere; for me anyway-she had been living some hell but kept it to herself. Her news made me reflect on my own personal situation. I am very grateful for my life & who I share my life with. I am very blessed.

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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Missing something

Tonight I was getting my photos organized for the year & I realised how much I miss taking photos of everyday things. I am getting a little bored taking a photo everyday of myself(even though I understand the purpose behind it) and so I am contemplating going back to taking a photo of every day things each day & posting that .... even if I trial it for a week or a month to see if it's still keeping me focused on me. I think I'll spend a little more time thinking about it befrore I make a decision. For now, this is what you get:

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Friday, March 11, 2011

Life Is Precious

I attended a funeral today. It was a husband of a dear friend of mine. On a sad occasion such as a funeral it serves as a reminder for me how precious life is & how grateful I am for the time I spend with family & friends.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


When contemplating just now what my blog post for today was going to be, I was going over what has been happening today & thinking about whether I made any life changing realisations. The truth of the matter is there were no life changing realisations, except of course that I am grateful for my life & I've eaten too much already today! Nothing new there!

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My New Nickname

Well thanks to a certain lady & her personally embroidered eye masks, my husband is now calling me by my supposed "stripper name"! This is Zena Lustyheat signing off...

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Monday, March 7, 2011

Inspired & Rejuvenated

I fell really blessed to be a part of such an inspiring bunch of people as the circle journal gals! I really struggled today to do all my 'normal' jobs. My scrapbooking room was calling my name (the same way a box of White Chocolate Lindt balls do!) The calling eventually became too strong & I succumbed!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

More Fabulous Me Time!

Well true to form, I enjoyed another weekend of just being me whilst enjoying others vibrant company. Energised & ready for a big week ..... After lots of sleep that is!

Friday, March 4, 2011


I'm searching for an excuse of why I've been up since 4 am. I could use the excuse that at that time, for some reason, I sat bolt upright in bed & remembered that my son was meant to go back to the unlocked car last night & get his electric guitar out of it.... which meant he didn't & the car is still unlocked, outside with not only his electric guitar but also a few thousand dollars of camera equipment etc. Or I could just accept the fact that I am up early & be grateful for the few extra hours I have acquired today.

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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Feelin' the Heat

Today I am seriously feeling the heat-and the sun's not even out. Maybe it's because I've spent the last few days in air conditioning. Swim time soon, right after I've done Zumba & some chores!

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tired! Time for bed!

Got a huge weekend coming up! Need to get plenty of rest!

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Getting To Know Others

I love spending time with people, hearing about their lives, laughing with them (as opposed to 'at them!'), and hearing about what their future plans are. We are all so interesting! And all so different!

It's also days like today when I miss my Mum. Getting a special invitation & not having the luxury to call her & offer her some quality time with her grandson. It makes the time when Shane's parents babysit so much more valuable & stops me from taking the grandparents for granted.

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