Monday, January 31, 2011

Adding Ice to Injury

Great gym workout this morning. Got weighed & measured then started my workout. Three machines in I rolled my ankle. Cried when I got home cos everyone was staring at me after I fell. Couldn't tell if it was pity or curiosity-needed neither. Just needed my Mummy! He he

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Passionate response

I read a few blog posts today about the flood levy which I didn't agree with. Felt comfortable & great to have my say anonymously!

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Being a Mum

When you sign up to be a mother, there are some things you just don't think about. The little everyday things like checking that your child's feet haven't outgrown their shoes & keeping them focused on the job at hand. An afternoon without child can quickly remind you how simple life was! And what a home sounds like without children in it.

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Friday, January 28, 2011


Staying up late watching an oldie but a goldie, Speed. Keanu is a spunk!

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Thursday, January 27, 2011


When I was using my clear stamps just now to add names to birthday invitations, I was thinking what a fantastic invention they are. These days I'm such a fab stamper! Then I got to thinking about all the other great inventions that make my life so much easier.

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Australia Day

I took a photo yesterday & had full intentions of writing a post when I got home but after spending all day in the sun then to return to a two and a half hour long traffic jam & the mad rush to feed my family & get to bed that happened afterwards, it completely slipped my mind. Happy belated Ostraya Day!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Olden Days

I was reminiscing today about 'the good ole days'. You know, when service meant service & when businesses actually cared about the service they delivered and how they delivered it. At times I really do feel every bit of my 40 odd years of experience!

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Monday, January 24, 2011


Why am I smiling? I have just spent the last 2 and a half hours between Telstra, Optus, Westpac & being just simply put straight on hold for ages by Sea World Nara staff. Gotta love big corporations!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Watching Australia for the first time. An interesting movie.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Doing Other Things

Today I really needed a break from Baked Relief & Qld floods so that I could have a fresh mind for creative planning & ideas for when it's needed. Did laundry, caught up with friends, scrapped.
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Friday, January 21, 2011

Community is Brilliant!

After having over 400 pieces of baking & drinks delivered today from wonderful friends, neighbours & networkers I am just blown away by some people's generosity in the community. Remember that most of those people would also have already donated elsewhere in some form of another also. Amazing! Thank you all very much.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Celebration of Life

Today I attended what is usually known as a funeral. However, Paul's family called it a 'Celebration of Life'. Paul was larger than life & got the most out of life by helping others in need. I know this personally as it was through my own adversity that our friendship was built. I was standing there thinking "When my life has run it's course, I hope my family & friends celebrate my life in a similar way." Today was another reminder to me about being present & having fun.

When I printed out some photos yesterday, my husband asked me if one was from a happy day & one was from a sad day. It made me more aware of smiling for the camera. Hence today's smiley face!
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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Realized this...

That although the reasoning behind my year of self discovery was initially for me, I can already see that it's more than that. It's about staying fit & healthy so that I can support others & myself through difficult times. Already it's been a tough year for many others in my life.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Having a break

I wanted to do something special with my boy for school holidays. Usually we go camping & have great memories from that. Didn't happen this year & for the last week & one day I have been glued to the tv, iPhone & computer doing all I can to help flood survivors. So (even though I felt extremely guilty going) I took my son to Sea World today(what a rip off but that's another story) & spent most of the day getting wet.

Monday, January 17, 2011

New Office

This pic was taken in my new office (as of Friday night). It's really just the couch in our lounge room where the computer was relocated to Friday. It's getting to be a little bit permanent with wanting to help out as much as I can with Baked Relief. At least I can be around everyone else whilst twittering!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Brief Moment Out

Today, I briefly left the house for things other than baking related. We bought some seedlings for our veggie garden. Have you been to the shops to buy lettuce in the last few days?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Baked Relief

Today I cooked up a storm in support of Baked Relief for the flood volunteers & survivors. Now just trying to track down where to take it...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Networking from the couch

Tonight I'm checking out the flood posts on Twitter & Facebook & planning what I'm gonna cook for #bakedrelief on Twitter

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Frown Lines

I'm looking @ myself seeing the toll little sleep & concern is having on my wrinkles, not to mention my health. Early to bed 2night.....maybe....

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tired but ...

Today I am short of sleep however I feel energized in the belief that today I took action to assist others.

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Monday, January 10, 2011


Well, it's kind of finished.  As finished as it's gonna get for now.  You see, I am thinking this is really gonna be a 'work in progress' as the year of discovery goes on.  It's not like a 'vision board' that I have done previously (even though I re-used some of the papers and trimmings I had used last time) it's a collection of things that motivate and inspire me and the things I love.  I still need to print off a photo of my husband except our computer that holds and prints our photos is at the doctors.
So as the year unfolds, I will add to my Bliss-o-Rama with the things I uncover or find during the year.That's why there are some empty pockets and open spaces. 

Thinking of others

Today I have been trying to finish my Bliss-o-Rama but listening to the ABC radio & the devastation that is gripping this beautiful state.

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

I am enough

If I was totally honest with myself I'd admit that I have spent a few days this past week beating myself up, mentally, for what I'm not happy with about my physical appearance. I got to a point yesterday where I gave myself a good positive talking to. Feel all the better for it today.

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Saturday, January 8, 2011


First thing in the morning! I got called 'The Walking Zombie' as I walked downstairs this morning. Any wonder I may have self esteem issues!

Friday, January 7, 2011

A Lie In

Nothing I love better on the holidays than a lie in, reading a great crime story!
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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Running out of Titles

Yep, my glasses really are crooked!

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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Loving it!

I'm feeling awesome today. I guess it's off the back of having 'done' lots. Self achievement is always very fulfilling for me.
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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Got a Confession

Of sorts, anyway. I realized last night during/after I made the post yesterday, when I have posted a photo of me I have felt a strong need inside me to apologize for how I look in the photo. Food for thought for me today.

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Monday, January 3, 2011

Love Summer

The less than glamorous look of spending time at the beach & in the pool. Feel fantastic on the inside.

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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Almost forgot!

New habits are sometimes challenging to remember! I've just realised my glasses are crooked!

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Saturday, January 1, 2011

1.1.11(cos I love that date)

It's like the first day ever isn't it? 1.1.11. Well clearly it isn't and

some would be feeling that more than others today.

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A New Year, An Uncoiled Me!

Happy New Year!  Let me say the New Year has started off with a bang (some awesome fireworks at Broadbeach last night) and me already speaking my mind to my husband!  This year I am looking at a change for Inspire, Motivate, Create, Achieve in conjunction with Lifescrap365.  As you may (or may not) know last year, my friend Mel and I together started a project called Lifescrap365.  It consisted of us recording our year with snapshots of our life and recording it through two very different scrapbooks.  I also utilised this blog as well as our other blog ( to record my journey and ideas. 
This year, in keeping with the idea of Lifescrap365, I am setting out to discover the best version of me.  To record this journey, my intention is to take a photo each and every day of me.  Sometimes it might be accompanied by words, sometimes not.  I won't always look my best (I'm sure I will for a while until I get used to the idea of sharing a photo of me with the whole world!), in fact sometimes I'm sure I will look far from it.  The idea is to record the journey of me this year; and whatever that brings with it.  So you will see me at my best and I'm sure at my worst (although for your sake I will try to keep that to a minimum so as not to scar you for life!)
I thought this year my visionboard will be different as well.  Instead of putting up things I want to achieve (goals), my visionboard is going to more about discovering the unknown (not sure how that will look yet; let's just say I'm working on it).  It will be interesting to see in December 2011, which looks so far away from now, what my journey looks like for the year.
Let me tell you a little bit about how this all came about.  In August, Mel gave me a challenge that she thought 9 photos a month was not enough so she thought I should do more.  I rose to the challenge and posted a photo every day.  By the time September rolled around, I actually missed posting every day.  So I knew in 2011 I wanted to do something along those lines; a photo every day digitally.  Then I was thinking about how my goals for 2010, by the power of the law of attraction (or whatever powers you want to call it) actually affected my whole family and perhaps put me in a situation I could have done without even though I had some amazing learnings and connections that came from that situation.  It also had me questionning my ability to walk the talk on peace and calm.  So I wanted to bring it back to being more about me, and my reactions to life.  And so I bravely told Mel I planned to photograph myself everyday-not 'doing' different things, just a simple headshot.  Almost, if possible, in the same position/location every day.  I figured this will allow for comparison of physical appearance and a look into the 'windows of the soul' rather than me just bragging about where I've been and what I've been 'doing'.  I don't really think this year's journey will be about where I've been or what I've been doing, I get the feeling it's going to be a bit more about what's going on inside my head (and whether or not I'm game to share it). 
As it so happens, my sister (not knowing about all the other things I had planned for the year) gave me a great diary called 'Mind, Body & Spirit Book of Days' (and will here on in be known as Book of Days or BOD).  The first paragraph of the diary says to toss out the tired old "New Year, New You' makeover plan and uncoil what's inside as you already have everything you need  for a year of passionate self-discovery.  I'm thinking this sounds like it's all aligning in my universe!  **Goosebumps**  The diary gives practical projects and quizes to help in your uncoiling each and every month.  This will be what I use as a guide to share with you my journey.  Today I am working on the Passion Quiz so that I might be able to build my visionboard.  In my journal I am answering questions like "I'm proudest of.....I most value....My ideal day is....My greatest strengths are.....etc."  It has certainly go me thinking.  And when I get out of my pyjamas I will share with you my first photo of the year.