Thursday, December 30, 2010

Creative Genius Inside

I was just reading my new diary; "Mind, Body & Spirit Book Of Days" about some creative genius that we have inside.  It says that both the Japanese and the Chinese believe in a spot, located three finger-widths below and two finger-widths behind our navel as the seat of our inner power.  They recommend when embarking on a new project, make a conscious effort to breath into this spot  (the "fire in your belly") and experience the flow of energy breathing life into your project.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New App for the New Year

Today I was doing a little more planning towards my 'new' version of Lifescrap365 for 2011. For this new version which I will completely share on Jan 1 I had to purchase a watermark application for my photos. Here is the first photo using the watermark application on my phone.

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Relax...In Time For Christmas

Well, as I sit here on my couch, contemplating my navel, I'm thinking about how grateful I am that I am organised this year. I'm not going to be up til after midnight on Christmas Eve this year unless Santa has to delay his arrival due to a boy who won't quit.
I've had some creative time this week so I thought I would share it with you. It's an envelope for gift cards, although I have made a few sizes; this one fits an A4 folded gift certificate. What do you think?

I have a feeling this will be my last post this week and probably this month so Merry Christmas and good health, wealth and happiness in abundance for 2011.
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